
Selling tips

Property prices in 2013

Checklist before you sell your property

Granite tops at a special price, just for you!

What to expect of the property market in 2014

Packing and moving tips

Timing the sale of your property

Putting your best foot forward when marketing your house

Spring gardening resolutions

Vital signs of the property market

The importance of approved building plans

Property trends 2012

The Voetstoots clause and its implications

Subject-to sales

The transfer process in layman's language.

What is this thing called zoning?

Levies - pain or pleasure?

Property in 2011 - a review

5 factors that will influence your selling price

Compulsary (by law) for sectional title

Get your financial and legal ducks in a row before you sell

Pay less for electricity!

That annoying body corporate!

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